Jacques Émile Blot (1885-1960)

His life could be a novel: he began his career as an art dealer, following in his father’s footsteps on Rue La Boétie in Paris. He had a good eye, to say the least! His instinct was to immediately spot a fine canvas, a young master or a talented artist… But he also had a very gifted hand, which soon led him to paint for himself, to exhibit and to sell! Among his first buyers was the Musée Nationale d’Art Moderne. And wasn’t it Jacques Busse who, in the Bénézit, praised his “refined choice of colors”? “Little by little, in the eyes of the attentive spectator, objects, landscapes and faces come alive and are transfigured”, confirms Gérald Schurr in Les petits maîtres de la peinture. Valeur de demain.