Lucien Jonas

Lucien JONAS

Perhaps he should be seen as the most inexhaustible painter of his time! Winner of the Second Prize of the Prix de Rome in 1905, although that year the first prize was not awarded, he multiplied trips and successes, as his exhibitions were regularly applauded by critics. As soon as 1907, the king of Thailand had bought one of his paintings, now exhibited at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. . He was also commissioned in 1915 by the Army Museum of Paris to paint portraits of all the great generals, including that of Pershing, now exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, that of Foch made the day after he was made generalissimo, and that of many others. He signed more than three thousand drawings printed in the allied press, notably in L’illustration, main newspaper of the time. This explains his lasting reputation, and the hanging of this spirited work named The Studio, to reiterate that Lucien Jonas was a painter before anything else.